
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Peky NORIEGA” ,找到相关结果约542条。
Applying design of experiments (DOE) to flavonoid extraction from Passiflora alata and P. edulis
Peky Noriega,Débora de Freitas Mafud,Bruna de Souza,Marta Soares-Scott
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia , 2012,
Abstract: The Passifloraceae family is extensively used in native Brazilian folk medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. The problem of flavonoid extraction from Passiflora was treated by application of design of experiments (DOE), as an experiment with mixture including one categorical process variable. The components of the binary mixture were: ethanol (component A) and water (component B); the categorical process variable: extraction method (factor C) was varied at two levels: (+1) maceration and (-1) percolation. ANOVA suggested a cubic model for P. edulis extraction and a quadratic model for P. alata.These results indicate that the proportion of components A and B in the mixture is the main factor involved in significantly increasing flavonoid extraction. In regard to the extraction methods, no important differences were observed, which indicates that these two traditional extraction methods could be effectively used to extract flavonoids from both medicinal plants. The evaluation of antioxidant activity of the extract by ORAC method showed that P. edulis displays twice as much antioxidant activity as P. alata. Considering that maceration is a simple, rapid and environmentally friendly extraction method, in this study, the optimized conditions for flavonoid extraction from these Passiflora species is maceration with 75% ethanol for P. edulis and 50% ethanol for P. alata.
Passiflora alata Curtis: a Brazilian medicinal plant
Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas , 2011,
Abstract: En esta revisión se describen las caracteristicas botánicas, químicas, farmacológicas y fitotecnologicas de Passiflora alata Curtis, con enfasis en los métodos analíticos. Originaria de Brasil, varias preparaciones farmacéuticas de P. alata son registradas por el organismo regulador ANVISA. En tres de las cinco ediciones de la Farmacopea Brasile a, las hojas de P. alata se han incluido bajo la denominación de "maracuyá" (fruta de la pasión). Esta espécie deve ser citada como Passiflora alata Curtis, publicada originalmente en 1788 en "Botanical Magazine". En la última década, los estudios fitoquímicos y farmacológicos de investigadores brasile os relacionados con esta planta han aumentado substancialmente. A pesar de varios estudios, las sustancias responsables de las actividades ansiolítica, sedante, antioxidante y antiulcerosa atribuidas a la passiflora continuan siendo desconocidos. Los métodos analíticos para la cuantificación de los marcadores están siendo desarrollados con el fin de mejorar el análisis de control de calidad y para comprender mejor la relación entre marcadores químicos y sus efectos farmacológicos. Estos métodos incluyen espectrometría de alto rendimiento, cromatografía en capa fina (HPTLC) y la cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC). También existe un gran interés en los procesos tecnológicos envueltos en la producción de extractos secos con el objetivo principal de asegurar la calidad de los productos fitosanitarios.
Avalia??o por análise fatorial das condi??es da extra??o do 4-nerolidilcatecol de Pothomorphe umbellata (L). Miq.
Noriega, Peky;R?pke, Cristina Dislich;Camilo, César Moisés;Freitas, Paulo Chanel Deodato de;Barros, Silvia Berlanga de Moraes;
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Farmacêuticas , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-93322005000200015
Abstract: the influence of factors: (1) time, 10 and 40 minutes, (2) particle size, 840 and 420 mm; (3) hydromodule, 1:50 and 1:100, and (4) temperature, 40 and 60 °c, in the extraction of 4-nerolidylcathecol (4-nc) from the roots of p. umbellata using factorial design "24" was studied in two levels (maximal and minimal). the extraction method was maceration and the measurement of 4-nc was by hplc with electrochemical detection. the results of the factorial analysis indicated that the main factor that increases the extraction of the active principle is particle size [effect (2): 12.2086]. the reduction of the particle size (mesh 60) increases threefold the amount of 4-nerolidylchatecol in the extract, while the time of maceration [effect (1): -0.64198], hydromodule [effect (3): 1.069804] and temperature [effect (4): -0.64198] practically do not influence the extraction. interaction between two factors (2:3) size-hydromodule 1.181142, (2:1) size-time 0.9435065 and (2:4) size-temperature 0.0817575, showed that although the main factor size (2) increases the efficiency of the process, when one of the other three factors was taken together the amount of 4-nc extracted was not significantly increased. the technique of optimization using factorial analysis to investigate the extraction of 4-nerolylilchatecol showed to be useful to notice the interactions between factors and not only the effect of each isolated factor.
Applying design of experiments (DOE) to flavonoid extraction from Passiflora alata and P. edulis
Noriega, Peky;Mafud, Débora de Freitas;Souza, Bruna de;Soares-Scott, Marta;Rivelli, Diogo Pineda;Barros, Silvia Berlanga de Moraes;Bacchi, Elfriede Marianne;
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-695X2012005000036
Abstract: the passifloraceae family is extensively used in native brazilian folk medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. the problem of flavonoid extraction from passiflora was treated by application of design of experiments (doe), as an experiment with mixture including one categorical process variable. the components of the binary mixture were: ethanol (component a) and water (component b); the categorical process variable: extraction method (factor c) was varied at two levels: (+1) maceration and (-1) percolation. anova suggested a cubic model for p. edulis extraction and a quadratic model for p. alata.these results indicate that the proportion of components a and b in the mixture is the main factor involved in significantly increasing flavonoid extraction. in regard to the extraction methods, no important differences were observed, which indicates that these two traditional extraction methods could be effectively used to extract flavonoids from both medicinal plants. the evaluation of antioxidant activity of the extract by orac method showed that p. edulis displays twice as much antioxidant activity as p. alata. considering that maceration is a simple, rapid and environmentally friendly extraction method, in this study, the optimized conditions for flavonoid extraction from these passiflora species is maceration with 75% ethanol for p. edulis and 50% ethanol for p. alata.
Cuestión de hábitos, de R.H. Moreno-Durán: Confirmación de una poética
Teobaldo Noriega
- , 2007,
Abstract: Esta obra constituye un logro de capital importancia en su rica producción, caracterizada por inteligentes esparcimientos verbales que hacen del lector un participante en el juego de la escritura. Cuestión de hábitos incursiona en el mundo de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz y proyecta sus avatares, cuya sensibilidad e inteligencia la convierten en fácil presa de una ortodoxia religiosa fanatizada. El análisis demuestra, sin embargo, que el texto es ejemplo de la capacidad enga?osa del lenguaje como vehículo codificador de la realidad: el travestismo de algunos personajes clave en la historia narrada/representada, se ve reflejado por el enmascaramiento de la escritura que la contiene
Effect of vitrification procedure on chromosomal status of embryos achieved from vitrified and fresh oocytes  [PDF]
Javier I García, Luis Noriega-Portella, Luis Noriega-Hoces
Health (Health) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.37077
Abstract: Background: In order to assess the chromosomal status in embryos obtained from vitrified and fresh donated oocytes, preimplantational genetic diagnostic (PGD) was performed after biopsy of one blastomere at day 3. METHODS: A total of 249 oocytes were obtained from 23 oocyte donors, 80 oocytes were used in the vitrified group and 151 oocytes were used in the fresh group. Nine chromosomes (13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X and Y) were investigated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis in 56 and 121 embryos from vitrified and fresh group respectively. Fertilization, cleavage rate, embryo quality and chromosomal abnormality rate were compared between groups evaluated. Results: Vitrified oocytes showed a survival rate of 97.5%. There was no significant difference in the fertilization rate (82.7% and 91.4%), Day 2 cleavage rate (90.3% and 87.7%) or blastocyst formation rate (31.1% and 44.6%) for the vitrified and fresh groups respectively. Chromosomal abnormality rate (66.1% versus 71.9%), percentage of abnormal blastocysts (61.1% versus 64.8%) and percentage of abnormalities for each analyzed chromosome were similar for the vitrified group compared with the control group. Conclusions: The rates of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos from vitrified oocytes are similar to those published previously; and comparable to those observed in embryos from fresh oocytes. These results confirm that the developmental competence and chromosomal status of embryos obtained from vitrified oocytes is not affected by the vitrification procedure, and they preserve the potential to be fertilized and to develop in to blastocyst stage similar to embryos from fresh oocytes.
Estimates for the Multiplicative Square Function of Solutions to Nondivergence Elliptic Equations
Jorge Rivera-Noriega
Abstract and Applied Analysis , 2007, DOI: 10.1155/2007/92354
Abstract: We prove distributional inequalities that imply the comparability of the Lp norms of the multiplicativesquare function of u and the nontangential maximal function of logu, where u is a positive solution of a nondivergenceelliptic equation. We also give criteria for singularity and mutual absolute continuity with respect toharmonic measure of any Borel measure defined on a Lipschitz domain based on these distributional inequalities.This extends recent work of M. González and A. Nicolau where the term multiplicative square functions isintroduced and where the case when u is a harmonic function is considered.
Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) Attracted to Lagothrix lagotricha (Humboldt) and Alouatta seniculus (Linnaeus) (Primates: Atelidae) Dung in a Colombian Amazon Forest
Jorge Ari Noriega
Psyche , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/437589
Abstract: Dung beetles are among the most important insects in the Neotropics. Some species use a wide range of food sources, whereas other species are highly specialized. This study compares the use of two-primate excrement by an assemblage of dung beetles in a tropical forest in Colombia. Dung of Lagothrix lagotricha and Alouatta seniculus was used to attract beetles. A total of 32 species (47.7% of the species recorded for the area) were found on the two types of excrement studied, demonstrating that primate excrement is an important resource. The niche overlap between both feces is 27.03%, which indicates a high degree of resource specialization. Although these two primate species are found in the same areas, their diets vary greatly to permit a high degree of differentiation in beetle species. A study that includes dung of others primates would create a more complete panorama of resource overlap in the assemblage.
Aspectos teóricos y metodológicos del perfeccionamiento del plan de estudios de la especialidad de Higiene y Epidemiología
Noriega Bravo,Vivian;
Educaci?3n M??dica Superior , 2008,
Abstract: aim: to show some theoretical and methodological aspects supporting the improvement process in its macro-conception by means of an algorithm summarized in three stages: early diagnosis, definition of the specialist model, and general structure of the necessary contents. development: the design of a curriculum or the curricular design depends on the social, economic, and cultural needs of a country. the situation of health in cuba and in the world, and the scientific-technical advances in the hygiene and epidemiology field and in other related sciences, increasingly demand the training of a specialist with essential knowledge and skills to fulfill his duties as a good health worker. this element, together with the strategic need of the health national system to reduce in 2 years the training period of the specialists, were the premises to carry out in 2006 an improvement process of the curriculum of the specialty to know if the present curriculum used since 1995 meets the current requirements of the social task and which changes need to be introduced in the organization of its different components to maintain its condition as pertinent. conclusions: final considerations were made in relation to the accomplishment of the design, to the social task, and to the systemic conception of the components of the curriculum.
"Lo que el desarrollo se llevó". Modernidad y nostalgia en Sonora
Nú?ez Noriega, Guillermo;
Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.) , 2009,
Abstract: i present the results of an analysis of three cultural products that textualize a poetic of objects of rural origin in the state of sonora, mexico. the analysis is based on the theoretical and methodological framework of frederic jameson on the three levels of discursive articulation. the interpretation takes place from different theoretical approaches on the production, circulation and consumption of objects, from marxism to postmodernism. we conclude with a reflection on the importance of understanding the cultural dimensions of the processes of regional development and its contribution to current discussion about post-development.

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